Why should I dance?

People dance for many different reasons. Some see it as a new skill and an art form to be honed competitively, for others it's a great social opportunity, and many use it to destress from studying and get exercise. Check out the reasons our officers chose to join the Rice Ballroom Dance Team.

What if I’ve never danced before?

No problem! Many team members have never danced before joining. We love newcomers, and returning members are more than happy to help out new members.

Can I compete if I’ve never danced before?

Definitely. Dancers are placed into divisions based on experience, so you will only compete against others who are at the same level. You'll learn enough in the first couple months of the semester to compete at Dances With Owls in November!

Do I need fancy shoes and clothes?

Yes and no. You absolutely don't need to buy anything to get started and come to lessons, but if you stick with ballroom you will want at least one good pair of shoes and perhaps some practice wear. Costumes for follows aren't recommended (or allowed) until higher levels. See our attire page for more details.

What should I wear to lessons?

Anything you can move comfortably in. Jeans are generally not recommended. Dress pants, sweatpants, leggings, shorts, and casual skirts and dresses all work well. There is no dress code, but be mindful that you may be in close contact with other people and use your judgment accordingly!

Do I need a partner for lessons?

No! Just show up. We encourage newcomers to find a partner among the others joining the team as soon as reasonably possible, but until then we typically rotate partners through the room so everyone gets a chance to dance with everyone else.

Do I need to conform to traditional gender roles to lead or follow?

Nope! Most couples consist of a male lead and female follow because of height difference and other reasons, but there are a number of couples out there who break tradition -- and look great while doing it.

Do I have to date my dance partner?


Is it okay to date my dance partner?


What will dancing cost me?

See our dues page for details. Dance is not a cheap hobby if you pursue it seriously, but our team does everything it can to subsidize the cost of lessons and competitions

I'm ready to get started! Where do I go next?

Waltz on over to our lessons page to find our schedule, and join us next time -- we're excited to meet you!